Monday, February 23, 2009
Some of you may appreciate this
Read the comments also to see how many other people feel the same way!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
She doesn't look like much now...

There are soooo many pieces and so many different things happening at once and there are parts literally EVERYWHERE! I wandered all over the shop into each mechanic's bays to take these pictures of all the pieces.
Bumper and back window upstairs, hood in my office, stuff on the floor, stuff in the trunk, on a workbench, in a box. AAAHHH!
The crazy thing will all come together.
Despite the look of chaos, they all know exactly what they're doing.
It amazes me when I go out into the shop and see them all working on it and one of them is holding a baggie labeled "rear window motor" full of tiny pieces that will somehow work again!
Daniel is meticulously polishing chrome, Franco and Pat are wrestling the windows into place and Ryan is welding some a/c mounts.
The very coolest thing?
I know this sounds totally corny but it's true..
I love it that everyone who has put work into this (mechanics, painter, embroidery guy) has said in some way or another,
"This is what I love! Using my skills to make something so darn cool!"
And they all have this little twinkle of, "Yep. I did that."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Random Things That Thrill Me
A minute after this picture was taken I whipped out a paper towel, wiped off the whole thing, started with February 15th and now I can see all the way to March 21st. Strange that this thrills me.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Webcam Outtakes

Friday, February 13, 2009
V Day Eve Romantic Chat
(I know this seems a little silly. Long story.)
Me: I know. I didn't forget.
Jimmy: Well how about this? Instead of giving me the money you can just say that the coat is your Valentine's Day present.
Me: Yeah. Good plan. Then I won't be disappointed when you don't get me anything.
You do know I'm not getting you anything, right?
Jimmy: Yep
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What do YOU think?
Men don't stand a chance in our house.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Another day wasted (?)
and this is genius!
On the upside..
I did 10 (yes 10) loads of laundry today and we are going to make cupcakes in about 5 minutes. I managed to take a shower and get out of my jammies! Woo!
It's the small victories, ya know? hehe

Sunday, February 8, 2009
You have to click on it to really see it. It makes a visual representation of the words in your blog. As far as I can tell it only uses your most recent posts but it's still pretty cool to see all the words you use. Notice all of my words that end in "-y". Hehe
A friend of mine pointed me to this HILARIOUS blog a while back. Oh my God is she funny.
Totally unrelated to the actual blog but she did have a link to this Wordle thing and it's pretty cool.
Sunday Surfing
Also made this cute-y cute (if i do say so myself) wrap thing-y for my sister-in-law.
It has cards and envelopes in the middle. A little notebook for addresses or notes on one side and a pen and stamps on the other.
In an ideal world you could take it with you while you did some waiting type thing and whip out some thank you cards or something. I'm not organized enough to make that happen but maybe Robyn does that with it?
Friday, February 6, 2009
You just had to say it
* "Teacher!! Our first day of 5!!!"
We have a thermometer and a clothing guide hanging by the outside door in my classroom and the kids know that if the (digital) temp starts with a 4 then they have to wear coats. If it starts with a 3, 2 or 1 then they have to wear as much clothing as possible.
On those glorious in-between days when the temperature starts with a 5 we gleefully strip down to long sleeves and absolutely BASK in the sun and relative warmth.
Today was the day and oh was it good.
*Haircut day!
There is nothing like a haircut to make a girl feel better. Plus..that Erin. She's a gooder.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Nothin' like dinner and a transvestite
My brother and Kels are staying at my house for a few days...ah the circus is in town.
Last night (while perusing craigslist hookers. highly entertaining. try it.) Joe came across a lovely looking (obviously male) woman and said to Jimmy, "Ooh! Check her out!"
To which Jimmy replied (not knowing it was a man), "Not bad"
Which of course set him up for a good 'ol junior high ribbing.
"You heard it! Jimmy thought the shemale was hot",
"Hey Jimmy! Do you know how I know you're gay?"
Etc, etc.
The conversation quickly deteriorated to some horrible conversation involving the desirability of various parts on various people and this brings me to the quote of the week:
(Courtesy of Joe)
"Think about it! Think of the hottest girl you know. Ok, now add a dick. Ruins it doesn't it?"
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm not the only one
You can also click on her links "years" and "past" to see how she has coped with February in the past.
Love it!
One good thing about February that I did notice today (and despite me telling February that it sucks because of all the pink, red and valentiney cute-ness)
I absolutely LOVE to go into stores in February. Everything is so pink and red.
I went to Paisley Roberts today and it was just so darn pretty and I had to appreciate it in spite of it's dreaded V-day implications.
If you've never been (and you have a sick sick obsession with all things paper) Paisley Roberts is always a fantastic place to shop and a huge plus...locally and female-ly owned and operated! (Female-ly is a word)
They are always super sweet and helpful and it's just so darn...paper-y and beautiful!
A wonderful pick-me up!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dear February, I HATE YOU!
Who's with me?
February is the month for finding the good in the bad and I intend to do that every day that your miserable existence plagues me.
So today..the good that snuck in...
Congratulations you guys.
Thank you so much for calling me (first?). It absolutely made my day. And Kels...I know it's a little scary but you will be amazed at your capacity for love. I promise.
I love you and of course you know that I'm always here.
Monday, February 2, 2009
True Story
Jimmy was awake and engrossed in some project in the garage so I wandered out at about midnight to see what he was doing and maybe polish some chrome*.
He was listening to some tunes on the ipod and had a "90s music" playlist going. (one that itunes compiles for you) After saying repeatedly, "I loved this song when I was in high school."
He turned to me and said, "So you've always been angry?"
To which I replied, "What are you talking about?"
"Well, every song that you 'loved in high school' is some scary girl acting really pissed off!"
Sure enough. I flipped back through them and they were all a tad bit on the pissed off (mostly at men) side.
So I said, "It's true! Geez! I didn't even have anything to be angry about! I must have been one seriously angsty teenager!" Jimmy laughs as I say, "my favorite song was 'You Oughta Know' by Alanis Morrisette! And stop laughing at my terrible taste in music. My favorite line in the song is the part where she sounds the most pissed off! My gosh I was a mad girl!"
And we went on our merry way of not sleeping and laughing at bad 90's music.
Ok, I lied. I went to Taco Bell and Redbox at 1am and then we went on our merry way. hehe
Here she is in all her pissed off glory and my favorite line is 2:02 to 2:05.
Oh and check out her awesome bad 90's lipstick. Love it!
And if you have delicate does contain the big f-er.
*This is not a euphemism you sickos! There is actually a shit ton of chrome from the Cadillac that needs polished before it can go back on.
One more thing. A pop quiz that I think angry 'ol Alanis would agree with:
Q: What's better than being sad or hurt?
A: Being really really pissed off.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Quote(s) Of The Week
Jimmy: Yeah. It's like, "Why drop 50 bucks on a pair of jeans when you can buy a bag of good shit?"
Joe: Yeah
Jimmy: And then you won't care what your pants looks like.