Wiping out the entire calendar and starting fresh. I do it about every two weeks and shift the dates so I can see further into the future. A minute after this picture was taken I whipped out a paper towel, wiped off the whole thing, started with February 15th and now I can see all the way to March 21st. Strange that this thrills me.
A tower of brand new white washcloths. I love Costco.
Don't let Warren give you any guff. I recall him getting very distressed about me hanging his shirts facing the wrong way. OOpps we all have our little pains and pleasures.
You are a deeply disturbed person. I fear for your safety.
Oh WHATEVER! Boy who had a panic attack over gunk around the dishwasher seal!
Don't let Warren give you any guff. I recall him getting very distressed about me hanging his shirts facing the wrong way. OOpps we all have our little pains and pleasures.
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