There are soooo many pieces and so many different things happening at once and there are parts literally EVERYWHERE! I wandered all over the shop into each mechanic's bays to take these pictures of all the pieces.
Bumper and back window upstairs, hood in my office, stuff on the floor, stuff in the trunk, on a workbench, in a box. AAAHHH!
The crazy thing is..it will all come together.
Despite the look of chaos, they all know exactly what they're doing.
It amazes me when I go out into the shop and see them all working on it and one of them is holding a baggie labeled "rear window motor" full of tiny pieces that will somehow work again!
Daniel is meticulously polishing chrome, Franco and Pat are wrestling the windows into place and Ryan is welding some a/c mounts.
The very coolest thing?
I know this sounds totally corny but it's true..
I love it that everyone who has put work into this (mechanics, painter, embroidery guy) has said in some way or another,
"This is what I love! Using my skills to make something so darn cool!"
And they all have this little twinkle of, "Yep. I did that."
Parma motorview here we come!!!
Motor Vu. Remember?
Oh ya the VU
Back in my day thats where girls got themselves in "TROUBLE" IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Pam I'm confused, what do YOU mean. Did you get yourself introuble out there? If so I want details, did you drink coffee or something REALLY bad like that?
I really didn't do anything. I just heard about the other kinds of girls who went there. Actually I was volunteering at the senior center on Saturday nights.
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