Actually I never went to the store. I still haven't.
I'm still making PB&J sandwiches for lunch!
I got really sick on Thursday and I am just now feeling better! I can't remember the last time I was sick for more than a day and a half. My throat hurt so bad on Sunday night I was actually in tears! And I'm not really a sissy...come on, I've had children.
So here's what is going on...
1. Jamie and Olivia start school on Tuesday. It's going to be really nice to have a little time to myself even if it is just a couple hours.
2. I am ready for summer to be over. I'm ready for cooler days. Dark at 7 so that you can reasonably convince the kids that 7:30 isn't too early for bed.
3. My little brother turns 25 on Saturday and he and his wife are moving to Rexburg! I will miss them but I think it will be nice for Kels to be close to her mom and family.
4. I just "discovered" this cool thing (it's not new) called I'm super excited about it because I have a lot of books and most of them I never read again. There are a few favorites that I like to keep around and I always keep non-fiction books but the majority of my books just take up space. So you go online and post all the books you have available. I had 30 without even trying. Then people request your book, you mail it to them (media mail is about $2.14) and you get a credit to choose a book from someone else. Easy cheesy and free! Your only cost is postage and since it's media mail, it's pretty inexpensive.
5. I made 3 gorgeous (if I do say so myself) sets of cards for the mayor's silent auction and I am proud to say that I used a TON of scraps and I made them in about 2 hours using simple sketches. So proud of myself...I never use scraps and I rarely make cards.
6. Olivia wanted a metal "lunch pail" (her words) for the new school year so we went on the hunt for one last week. I didn't want a cheesy princess one so Jimmy suggested that we go to The Record Exchange. I remembered them having a lot of metal lunch boxes a while back so I gave it a shot. So we got there and the lady said that they were phasing them out because people weren't buying them very much so they only had 3. One was a cute vintage cowgirl one (my pick) and the other two were Kurt Cobain and The Sex Pistols. Hmmm. Olivia wanted the Sex Pistols one because it was pink. I pointed out to her that it also had skulls and snakes on it and maybe we should keep looking. I barely talked her out of it and later we found a Dora (lame) lunch box but she keeps saying "I really wanted that pink one" and you know what I kept thinking? "I should have gotten you that pink one. I'm a sissy."
I think that's about it! Stay on the edge of your seats for my refrigerator after picture. I know you can't wait!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Slice of Life
I have been drawing a blank lately on all things creative. I don't know what it is but I can't write, can't scrapbook, can't think of fun things to do. I'm feeling very vegetable-like.
I have, however, been reading everyone's blog and I made note of something that I really like about reading blogs. It's the mundane glimpses into a person's ordinary life that are my favorite. I am also always inspired by people's scrapbook pages that are about their ordinary days and their ordinary life. One of my favorite idea books is Slice of Life.
So, until I get some creative juices going...I am going to treat this blog as I would a journal. Tidbits of my life right now. Where I am, who I am, what I do.
I was inspired by a section in Rachel Ray's magazine where she photographs the inside of a celebrity's refrigerator. I think that the things in your refrigerator really say a lot about how your family lives. So, here's mine...I just opened the door and took a picture.
I guess what this says about me is that I always wait way too long to go to the grocery store. I have just been picking up a few random things here and there to go with dinner so this afternoon I'm headed to the store and I'll take an after picture of my refrigerator.
I have, however, been reading everyone's blog and I made note of something that I really like about reading blogs. It's the mundane glimpses into a person's ordinary life that are my favorite. I am also always inspired by people's scrapbook pages that are about their ordinary days and their ordinary life. One of my favorite idea books is Slice of Life.
So, until I get some creative juices going...I am going to treat this blog as I would a journal. Tidbits of my life right now. Where I am, who I am, what I do.
I was inspired by a section in Rachel Ray's magazine where she photographs the inside of a celebrity's refrigerator. I think that the things in your refrigerator really say a lot about how your family lives. So, here's mine...I just opened the door and took a picture.

I guess what this says about me is that I always wait way too long to go to the grocery store. I have just been picking up a few random things here and there to go with dinner so this afternoon I'm headed to the store and I'll take an after picture of my refrigerator.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Adventures in Cadillac Camping

Side story...I have always wanted a big, old, pink Cadillac. The bigger the fins, the better. I saw one for the first time at the Idaho Centennial parade in 1990. So, Jimmy has been keeping an eye out for one for awhile and finally a few weeks ago he found one at an estate auction. So $3,600 later I am the proud owner of a 1963 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. It's not pink, it's black, it needs work but it drives and oh baby does it have fins. I giggle everytime I pull up to my house and see it sitting in the driveway. It makes me seriously giddy.
So the story...Jimmy and I went camping without kids this weekend and we decided to make it easy and not take the tent trailer. And, what better time to try the Cadillac for a long haul than when you don't have kids with you?! So Jimmy assembled various tools and chemicals, rigged up a coolant overflow reservoir, we stopped at his shop for a fire extinguisher and we were off!
We made it halfway to hilltop cafe before it died.
So, this is where I think to myself..."My husband is so hot" He pulls out a can of carb spray and a spool of vacuum line and rigs up what he calls "redneck fuel injection" So, here I am with the carb spray attached to the vacuum line, spraying away while he tries to get it going. This goes on for about half an hour until he decides that the line is too long and it's not going to work and the car is not going to stay running. We decide that we need to get it running just long enough to point it back downhill and we could coast to a place where we could park it and then call for a ride. He says...ready.."Do you think you could drive with the hood open?" Uh?! Sure!
"Just long enough to turn it around, while I walk alongside and spray the carb spray." I wish someone had been videotaping this. I do have a few pictures of the rigging up the "fuel injection" So, we get it pointed downhill and it starts right up! We drove home, threw all of our crap into the Lexus and headed off again! I love a good adventure in stupidity and this one was a doozie!

Friday, August 17, 2007
I'm here!
I'm alive and kickin'.
I've sat down to post a million times but I draw a blank every time. I am going camping tomorrow...with no kids!! Hopefully I will have some adventures to share and hopefully I will have some x-rated adventures with my husband that I won't share! Tee Hee!
I've sat down to post a million times but I draw a blank every time. I am going camping tomorrow...with no kids!! Hopefully I will have some adventures to share and hopefully I will have some x-rated adventures with my husband that I won't share! Tee Hee!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Things Heard In The Van Part 2
1) I went to a wedding in an alley and they threw a dirty sock instead of a garter belt and a twinkie wrapper instead of a bouquet.
2) In the event that Matt falls out of this van then you have to substitute. Unless that happens you are DONE!
3) I was sober enough to know that your asses were going to jail!
4) I thought a white Russian was staining your bed.
5) You take the beer, I'll take the wheel.
6) Just don't put those sunglasses in your mouth they came right out of Chris' ass.
7) I thought you boys didn't like girls.
8) Hey, I thought we were going to the trucker porn shop!
9) And Sarah advances to the loser bracket.
10) I don't know what a Jerry's kid is, you ass.
11) That actually feels really good on my butt.
12) You should have hit that girl on the bike then we could have drug her in here and done stuff to her.
Did I mention that on the way there I was the only girl in a van full of 8 (obviously very mature) boys?!
Despite the gross amount of alcohol consumption we actually did do some other things.
We went to OMSI and saw the Body Worlds exhibit. It was cool and a little gross. Jen and I also spent an entire day shopping. I got the cutest dress and shoes from Ann Taylor Loft. It was an outrageous amount of money but I talked myself into it because I can't remember the last time I bought myself something new.
We also went to a cool cabaret/fire dancer show called Sinferno. It was pretty cool.
The wedding itself was great. The place was gorgeous, the food was fantastic and we danced our asses off. I got in trouble for dancing with this super cute 18 year old cowboy...three times. My rationale was that he was a child and everyone else was all.."Uh, you broke his little boy heart when he found out you were married!" Pish-posh!
The other cool thing...The limo driver for the bride and groom loooooved me because he thought I looked like Bridget Fonda so he gave us a ride downtown so we didn't have to call a cab for 10 people!
It was a really good weekend and I definitely needed the adult time.
Want to know the kicker?! I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!!!
A lot of other people took pictures and I will mercilessly nag them until I get some!
2) In the event that Matt falls out of this van then you have to substitute. Unless that happens you are DONE!
3) I was sober enough to know that your asses were going to jail!
4) I thought a white Russian was staining your bed.
5) You take the beer, I'll take the wheel.
6) Just don't put those sunglasses in your mouth they came right out of Chris' ass.
7) I thought you boys didn't like girls.
8) Hey, I thought we were going to the trucker porn shop!
9) And Sarah advances to the loser bracket.
10) I don't know what a Jerry's kid is, you ass.
11) That actually feels really good on my butt.
12) You should have hit that girl on the bike then we could have drug her in here and done stuff to her.
Did I mention that on the way there I was the only girl in a van full of 8 (obviously very mature) boys?!
Despite the gross amount of alcohol consumption we actually did do some other things.
We went to OMSI and saw the Body Worlds exhibit. It was cool and a little gross. Jen and I also spent an entire day shopping. I got the cutest dress and shoes from Ann Taylor Loft. It was an outrageous amount of money but I talked myself into it because I can't remember the last time I bought myself something new.
We also went to a cool cabaret/fire dancer show called Sinferno. It was pretty cool.
The wedding itself was great. The place was gorgeous, the food was fantastic and we danced our asses off. I got in trouble for dancing with this super cute 18 year old cowboy...three times. My rationale was that he was a child and everyone else was all.."Uh, you broke his little boy heart when he found out you were married!" Pish-posh!
The other cool thing...The limo driver for the bride and groom loooooved me because he thought I looked like Bridget Fonda so he gave us a ride downtown so we didn't have to call a cab for 10 people!
It was a really good weekend and I definitely needed the adult time.
Want to know the kicker?! I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!!!
A lot of other people took pictures and I will mercilessly nag them until I get some!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
That was the longest day of my life!!
Warning: This post is R-rated and may not be suitable for those offended my drinking, swearing or general unruliness.
I will certainly tell more but lets just say that it is never a good idea to get drunk before you even make it to Ontario. Things heard in the van on the way to Portland...
1) Hey, I'll go halfsies with you on that c*** pump!
2) You can use that one to make sweet love to your lady friend.
3) Oh my god I forgot to wash the dick off my shoulder.
4) Dude, do not throw that bag of puke out the window.
This is all I have from the trip there because I was drunk then sober and starting all over again by 7 p.m. I obviously didn't hear all the things said while I was passed out and a penis was being drawn on my shoulder. I don't know what it is about Jimmy's friends but they bring out the worst in me...or the best?! I don't know but I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time.
Coming tomorrow...things heard in the van on the way home. I have a lot more of those because, well, I wasn't unconscious!
I will certainly tell more but lets just say that it is never a good idea to get drunk before you even make it to Ontario. Things heard in the van on the way to Portland...
1) Hey, I'll go halfsies with you on that c*** pump!
2) You can use that one to make sweet love to your lady friend.
3) Oh my god I forgot to wash the dick off my shoulder.
4) Dude, do not throw that bag of puke out the window.
This is all I have from the trip there because I was drunk then sober and starting all over again by 7 p.m. I obviously didn't hear all the things said while I was passed out and a penis was being drawn on my shoulder. I don't know what it is about Jimmy's friends but they bring out the worst in me...or the best?! I don't know but I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time.
Coming tomorrow...things heard in the van on the way home. I have a lot more of those because, well, I wasn't unconscious!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
And we are off!
Jimmy and I are going to Portland tomorrow for a friends wedding. Woo-Hoo!!
We will be child-less and with our friends. I am really looking forward to some "grown up" time.
I borrowed a gorgeous dress from my sister in law that I tried on today and I was debating never taking it off because it is so cute!
I now have to wade through my mountain of laundry so I can have clothes to wear the other days...see you Monday!
We will be child-less and with our friends. I am really looking forward to some "grown up" time.
I borrowed a gorgeous dress from my sister in law that I tried on today and I was debating never taking it off because it is so cute!
I now have to wade through my mountain of laundry so I can have clothes to wear the other days...see you Monday!
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