Side story...I have always wanted a big, old, pink Cadillac. The bigger the fins, the better. I saw one for the first time at the Idaho Centennial parade in 1990. So, Jimmy has been keeping an eye out for one for awhile and finally a few weeks ago he found one at an estate auction. So $3,600 later I am the proud owner of a 1963 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. It's not pink, it's black, it needs work but it drives and oh baby does it have fins. I giggle everytime I pull up to my house and see it sitting in the driveway. It makes me seriously giddy.
So the story...Jimmy and I went camping without kids this weekend and we decided to make it easy and not take the tent trailer. And, what better time to try the Cadillac for a long haul than when you don't have kids with you?! So Jimmy assembled various tools and chemicals, rigged up a coolant overflow reservoir, we stopped at his shop for a fire extinguisher and we were off!
We made it halfway to hilltop cafe before it died.
So, this is where I think to myself..."My husband is so hot" He pulls out a can of carb spray and a spool of vacuum line and rigs up what he calls "redneck fuel injection" So, here I am with the carb spray attached to the vacuum line, spraying away while he tries to get it going. This goes on for about half an hour until he decides that the line is too long and it's not going to work and the car is not going to stay running. We decide that we need to get it running just long enough to point it back downhill and we could coast to a place where we could park it and then call for a ride. He says...ready.."Do you think you could drive with the hood open?" Uh?! Sure!
"Just long enough to turn it around, while I walk alongside and spray the carb spray." I wish someone had been videotaping this. I do have a few pictures of the rigging up the "fuel injection" So, we get it pointed downhill and it starts right up! We drove home, threw all of our crap into the Lexus and headed off again! I love a good adventure in stupidity and this one was a doozie!

LOLOLOL Sarah.....
You two do pretty well for a couple of redneck campers girlfren!
I commend you both for seeing the good side of this all.
But hey babeeeeeeee......you'll look awesome in that "finned" antu once it is up and running well.
CONGRATS on the car doll.....
Baawwhhaaahhaaa!!!! ok I am bustin a gut here! Too funny! Love your new ride. Fins and all.
OMG! That post was definitely worth waiting for! Might I suggest an emery board and tooth floss in your next travel toolkit? McGiver Chet says they are priceless on the road, but that's another blog story!
Fin's to ya!
hee hee, sounds like a good adventure! Congrats on the new car!!
Nice car!
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