If time, money and education were no object. If you could just *poof* one day be a....what would you be?
I would be a lavender farmer...
Strange? Yes, I know.
Strange? Yes, I know.
I visited a lavendar farm in Sequim, WA (sounds like squim) about 8 years ago and totally fell in love. I'm still in love with it and if money were not an issue, it's exactly what I'd do.
How about you?
I would have been a doctor of some sort. Not your big high falutin specialist, just your general practitioner. Deliver a few babies, sew up some boo boos.
Good question! I just lived my life and ended up being what I am...I never felt I had a hand in it as I couldn't afford college and didn't like school anyway. I'll have to think about it. Sheri
There are so many cool things out there that I couldn't choose just one. I always thought it would be cool to be a lighthouse keeper or teach high school art class. I also always wanted to be a writer.
I would be a lavender farmers' older brother and trash my sisters stupid lavender farm>
I'm still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up! I know one thing, it's not going to be a computer repairman(gal).
I love lavender farms!
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