I have a bazillion things to write about but I think I will break it down into a couple posts so you don't have to read a novel in one sitting...beach recap...
We had a really great time with Melissa and Gabe at the beach. The house was just a short walk to the beach and downtown and we put a lot of miles on our little umbrella strollers. We walked everywhere! We did drive one day to go ride horses and to Haystack Rock to check out the tide pools. We went to the aquarium, we played on the beach, we shopped, we ate and ate and ate. We took a couple of big long naps.....mmmmm napping. Good stuff.
Melissa and Gabe are fun and really easy to "live with". Isabel (their little monkey) is right in between Jamie and Olivia in age so they had a great time together. Their first day they all took a nap in the bunk beds, so cute! They had a blast playing on the beach together and hunting for yucky stuff that washed up. At the house they made up big elaborate games involving their suitcases and diapers...no toys necessary! And of course with Gabe there they had some "before bedtime dad craziness" that my kids sooo enjoy.
The weather was gorgeous and it didn't rain until our last day so we went to the outlet mall, had some pizza and then headed off. The drive home wasn't too bad. We broke it up into two days by staying in Pendleton but we were definitely ready to get home and out of the car.
It was fun and as always, I can't wait to get back! Hopefully we'll be able to take one more long weekend at the beach before the summer is over. I'll have to start harping on Jimmy now.....
Here are some pics...
Life don't get no better than this baby.
Cool pictures and thanks for coming with us it would have never been as fun as it was without you guys. I think we get the beach house again in September, will keep you informed!
So yeah, am I correct in hearing that this is the SECOND time you were within like 2 hours of me and didn't let me know. Thanks again...
Good words.
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