Friday, November 17, 2006


Here I am!
I am sooo going to be one of those boring "mommy bloggers" who talk about their kids and husband all the time.
The purpose of this blog? So I can have an excuse to sit at the computer the entire time my kids nap instead of 3/4 of the time. So I can do something more stimulating than dishes. So I can rant and rave to my listening public (which will hopefully be no one I know)
I am a blog junkie. I read, read, read them until my back and neck are on fire from hunching over the computer. Maybe I'm a voyuer at heart? Well, whatever, I'm going to try my hand at being an ehxibitionist.


Anonymous said...

Yay for sarahbella! You have joined the evil land of the bloggers that we all love and hate. I guess we will see how fast they find you and start overanalyzing what you have to say...hehehe.
That is the funniest story EVER and I cannot believe all of those people were in the same place

Anonymous said...

nice blog Ethel. Don't expose too many of our skelectons,its a realbugger getting them back in their graves.