**There are some truly beautiful and inspiring thoughts on motherhood over at
Soule Mama.
I am feeling particularly inspired by these words:
With joy comes sorrow, with sorrow comes joy – and the cycle continues. The yin and yang of mothering, if you will. So many of us have lost babies, had a child with medical challenges, social or learning difficulties, or have worried about a child for various reasons. Often, we don't talk about it. Sometimes we don't talk about it because it's too painful, or we fear that, in reaching out, we will find ourselves alone. But we also don't talk about it because, eventually, we heal. Life becomes livable again. We become comfortable with our “new normal.”
As mamas, we are never alone in joy, and we are never alone in sorrow. Behind the scenes, we are all the same. Some of us, at any given time, feel like things will never get better. And then things do get better. We mamas befriend each other and reach out with understanding, and a clear message: it will get better. You will belly laugh again. We get by with a little help, and reassurance, from our fellow mamas.
**We have harvested lettuce (3 times). 8 strawberries. And some planted and forgotten radishes! They are beautiful!
**The chickens are doing so well! They are huge and funny. My chicken, Janet, has the cutest grown up chicken sound and she saves it just for me.
**My house is slowly and surely coming together. Planning a few gatherings here and there helps me stay motivated to keep working. There is always a burst of project finishing right before.
**It's summer break around here and so far it has been so lovely and not too hot. I know that it will be scorching hot before we know it so for now we are enjoying being outside. Next up: Hours at grandma and grandpa's pool.