2. DayQuil.
It's a little like crack when your head is all foggy with snot.
3. A trip to WinCo without kids and not in the middle of the night.
4. The TV stand has been hanging out in the living room, anxiously awaiting the return of the TV. Yesterday I broke the news that the television would not be returning and I banished the television stand to storage. In it's place? A big comfy chair that I didn't leave for hours yesterday. I think I just stared at the floor. That was pre-DayQuil.
5. Beer and DayQuil...together in perfect harmony.
6. This bit of beauty. I am doing it!
Oh yeah, that is a skirt and a potato!
I first saw it in this book.

7. Yesterday I gathered all the little pieces of art I have collected and stashed somewhere and today I am going to frame (if they need it) and hang them. I have two pieces by this girl that are begging to hang on a wall.
8. Got this in the mail:
It was an extra goodie that came with this:
The one I ordered isn't pictured here but it says, "Today I will make something lovely"
9. I should finally receive my textbook tomorrow from stupid Amazon. Along with two other books I ordered! Love mail!
10. Fall is in the air!
I have tried to fix this funky layout 972 times and I am going to quit before I throw my shoe at the computer. Sorry for the funky-ness at the end.
1 Thing I'm Diggin Right Now:
1) A hole.
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