Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It must be the end of summer

I love you summer. I love you so much. But I am ready to say goodbye for now.
I am ready for jeans and sweaters. I am ready for new sharp pencils, early bed times and dark at 8. I am ready to meet the new kids in my class and I am ready for the way the classroom looks after days of scrubbing and arranging. I am ready for the way I feel at the beginning of a new school year when the reasons are so clear and fresh in my mind. I am ready to go to school myself. I am ready for fall. That time when new beginnings are possible.


Jann said...

Well put my dear...well put.

Pam O. said...

You are ready for school because you are a school supply/office supply junkie. I've witnessed you tenderly stroking a new notebook or sniffing a box of crayons. Admit it!!

Anonymous said...

I admit it!!! Geez Lady!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes our Moms don't bring out the best in us, huh? Crayon sniffing is not that bad tho....sniff away! Sheri